As promised and on time We now are releasing what we are referring to as Tape One of Twenty Six Items of Data that are related to the Franklin Squires Investigation.
In this call between Mr. Rick Koerber and The Director of The Division of Securities for the State of Utah, Wayne Kline that occurred in December 2008.
This tape is completely unedited and is presented in RAW form. This tape is the sole property of Robert Paisola and Western Capital Multimedia and may NOT be reproduced without the sole written consent of Western Capital Robert Paisola or its Assigns.
Link to Story One
Link to Story Two
Link to Story Three
The Western Capital / Wayne Kline Call
Our Observations:
1) Utah State Securities Director Wayne Kline, hangs up mid conversation, obviously in a stupor of thought, later to make an excuse that he had inadvertently dropped the line.
2) Wayne Kline's verbal response after learning about an employee of his spreading lies about FranklinSquires and Founders Capital was to question a) if it was really his employee
b) instructing Koerber not to say anything to anyone, prior to hearing the tape, and that he would discipline his employee (no wonder people in the Dept. of Commerce don't like their jobs).
3) Klein responds ro Koerber that he now has reason to no longer take our calls at Western Capital Here is a copy of the Call between Robert Paisola and Wayne Kline for our readers around the world to review. Notice the consternation here.
Our readers should note that Klein is openly acknowledging that it is State policy (I might it is also state law) that gov. employees are supposed to discuss open investigations only with those being investigated.
This was said during the Paisola - Kline Call, right before he starts talking to our office about the open investigation that he just told you he couldn't talk about.
Much Much More to Come
Robert Paisola
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